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A useful tip to stop being antisocial

Definition of antisocial: averse to the society of others, unsociable. Not the psychological definition of antisocial.

You are at a family gathering, sitting down staring around. You don’t know what to say and who to talk to because you’re not really close to your larger family. So you slide that phone of yours and using it to stop looking awkward.

Let’s face it: being social is tiring, especially for those who aren’t talkative like me. You feel like you’re engaging in some boring talk that won’t benefit you, plus you have to pretend like you’re interested in listening or talking to them.

But actually being social and having good soft skills benefit you in many ways. Only by talking to others, you start to learn from others experiences and also how they can help you in many ways. But I’m sure a more important reason is simply that to improve our lives with others. Our lives are more meaningful when we connect with people.

How to overcome being antisocial? Intend to learn from others sincerely

I guess this is the most useful thing to keep in mind when trying to socialize. We never know what we can learn from others.

God created humans with different strengths and weaknesses. God also created us to be born in different settings and circumstances. This means we always have something to learn from someone else.

The past Eid, I tried to be someone more sincere in learning from others. There were times when one of my relatives was talking to my parents and I interrupted the communication by asking some questions. I really intended to know and learn from others.

And it worked. Not only I found myself in a social interaction but also one that is genuine and sincere.

There’s this one great video by this sister, who has the YouTube channel ‘Dust To Diamonds’, sharing about social etiquettes. Watch.

We can all try this technique especially in this day and age where technology had made social isolation too convenient.

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